What we
are doing

McCarroll Building

Liam McCarroll Building services is a company that provides a range of building services including new construction, renovations, extensions, and maintenance. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, they assure quality workmanship, attention to detail, and excellent customer service. They work closely with clients to understand their particular needs and offer bespoke solutions that fit their budget and vision. Whether it’s a small repair or a complete project, Liam McCarroll Building services has the expertise and resources to get the job done efficiently and professionally.

We provide a full range of residential and commercial building services including new home and building constructions and renovations of all shapes and sizes.

Our team of builders have extensive experience, expertise, and a good reputation in the industry. McCarroll Building is fully licensed, insured, and able to provide references from satisfied clients.

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We provide building and architectual design services to create structures that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Our process involves working closely with the client to understand your needs and preferences, assessing the site and local building codes and regulations, and creating detailed plans for the construction process.

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Our experienced team can assist with determining the value of a building for insurance purposes, and can provide building insurance assessments to identify any necessary repairs or maintenance that need to be carried out in order to minimise the risk of damage or loss.

If repairs or maintenance are identified during the insurance assessment process, it is important to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage or loss. This is where the experienced team of McCarroll Builders can help, providing all the required documentation for your insurance provider as required.

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We also offer a comprehensive real estate property maintenance service, helping keep your property in top-top condition. Upgrades, renovations, repairs, maintenance, safety and security – we’ve got you covered!

Give us a call today for any real estate property repairs and maintenance you need.

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Our team is comprised of experienced professionals with a wealth of knowledge across residentia and commercial properties.


Let us show you
what we can do

Ready to start
your next project?

We are upfront and transparent about our timeframes, availability, and pricing, and we will always provide a quote, no matter how big or small the project.

Contact us today and let us help bring your vision to life.

